Lou is sick of just being Danny’s mum. And she is so, so tired.
‘Can I have a Fruit Shoot Danny’s mum?’
‘Can you call my mummy and tell her to pick me up Danny’s mum?’
‘Danny’s mum, can I have some Hula Hoops?’
She doesn’t mind the lack of pleases and thank you’s but she’s asked them all, a dozen times, to call her Lou. But they resist, as if adults aren’t real people. The teachers at school are all Miss This-or-That or Mr. Something-or-Other but surely she’s one of the ‘cool mums’ and therefore worthy of having an actual name?
Occasionally she tries not to answer, forcing them to remember that she prefers Lou, just Lou. A person. Not just Danny’s mum.
She has only just sat down when she feels the warmth of a hovering presence.
‘Danny’s mum, I’ve had a little accident.’
It takes Lou a while to remember whether this one is Jake or Tommy or Mika. She is blurry with exhaustion. She sits up straight. She forces a smile.
‘Don’t worry,’ she says. ‘Just show me where.’